dental implant

Composed of titanium, dentists use dental implants to restore missing teeth. They place these artificial teeth directly into your jawbone, making them permanent. As such, they’re a great option for you if you’ve lost a tooth.

What are the benefits of dental implants?

Here are some of the key benefits of dental implants. They:

  • are a permanent solution, unlike dentures and bridges which can slip and cause discomfort and embarrassment whilst eating and talking
  • are a stand-alone solution which do not adversely affect neighbouring teeth – this differs from dentures and bridges which rely on your surrounding teeth to hold them in place
  • are fused with the jaw bone making them as strong and reliable as your natural teeth
  • restore your smile so that you can feel confident in social settings
  • are convenient because they do not require a separate cleaning routine and can be cleaned in the same manner as your natural teeth

From an aesthetic standpoint, dental implants look natural. Unless you tell someone, they’ll never know you’re missing a tooth.

The procedure for implants

Most implants are safely inserted within your dentist’s office under local anaesthesia; however, some require hospitalization and IV sedation. It’s important to understand that every procedure is different based on the patient’s preference, the dentist’s experience and the overall oral health of the patient.

This procedure typically involves three steps:

  1. titanium root analogues are surgically attached to the jawbone to serve as an anchor for a false tooth. The patient is then given a number of weeks or months for healing to occur and for the implant to fuse adequately to the bone
  2. your dentist will check the implant to make sure it has successfully integrated into your jawbone and then connect a post to the implant which will be visible above the gum line
  3. a false tooth is fabricated and fixed to the integrated dental implant

If you have a missing tooth and think that dental implants might be the solution to restore your smile, we invite you to make an appointment to discuss your specific circumstances.

Click here to find out more about dental implants at Dr Martin Jest Dental Surgery


dental surgery

Certain dental problems in children might require a surgical procedure. In some cases, dental surgery involves using anaesthesia or sedation. While the thought of your children undergoing surgery might make you anxious, knowing what to expect beforehand can calm your fears. You’ll also be able to better prepare your children for surgery, which can help them feel less nervous about it.

General or localised anaesthesia during surgery

Depending on the type of surgery your child needs, the dentist might use localised or general anaesthesia. Localised anaesthesia numbs only the surgical site, while general anaesthesia puts your child to sleep through sedation. Dentists use general anaesthesia only in cases where it’s needed to ensure the success of the surgery and safety of the child, which is typically for more complex types of dental surgery. Fillings and other minor forms of surgery can usually be done with localised anaesthesia. In either case, your child’s dentist will wait until the anaesthesia has taken effect before beginning the procedure.

Questions and concerns

Remember to address any concerns you have with your child’s dentist before surgery to help ease your mind. The dentist should go over details about the procedure and explain what will be done. You should also receive pre-surgery instructions to ensure your child is prepared for surgery.


Once the procedure is done, your child might have sore gums for several days afterwards. Your dentist may advise the eating of soft foods for a few hours after surgery, especially if your child is feeling dizzy or nauseous. Your child’s mouth might feel numb for up to an hour after surgery, which might make them feel anxious. Explain to your child that this is a normal part of surgery and that the sensation will go away.

Side effects

After undergoing dental surgery, some children experience soreness or sensitivity in the gums. If your child’s gums are sore, an over-the-counter pain reliever for children can ease this discomfort. It’s important to call your dentist if your child has any of the following for one or more days after the procedure:

  • worsening pain
  • vomiting
  • dizziness
  • fever
  • severe bleeding

These symptoms can indicate an infection or other serious side effects of surgery that requires prompt treatment. Keep in mind that these side effects are rare. In most cases, children recover quickly and safely from surgery.


Click here to find out more about surgical procedures at Dr Martin Jest Dental Surgery