children's teeth

Good dental care starts in childhood. When you make sure that your children’s teeth are taken care of, their risk of developing dental caries becomes significantly lower. The following tips are essential to keep in mind for protecting your children’s teeth.

Visit the Dentist

You don’t have to wait until your children start getting their permanent teeth to take them to the dentist. In fact, you should take them for an initial visit when they’re around a year old. This helps them get used to sitting through dental exams, which makes these visits easier as they get older.

Keep Teeth and Gums Clean

Brush and floss your children’s teeth at least twice a day, preferably after meals, to reduce the risk of tooth decay. Introduce your children to brushing when they get their baby teeth and get them used to a daily routine of brushing. You can start flossing your children’s teeth when they start growing closer together, typically between two and six years of age. Make sure you use children’s toothpaste with fluoride when brushing for better protection from tooth decay. Plan on helping your children brush and floss until they’re old enough to do so on their own.

Limit Sugary Foods and Beverages

What your children eat has a big impact on their chance of developing tooth problems. Encourage your children to eat healthy snacks, such as fresh vegetables, rather than lollies and other sugar-filled foods. The sugar in these foods can lead to a higher amount of plaque build-up, which increases the risk of tooth decay. Keep in mind that many fruit juices contain high amounts of sugar, so it’s important to provide your children with healthy drinks as well.

Understand the Importance of Fluoride

Fluoride is a mineral found in most water supplies throughout Australia. Fluoride helps lower the risk of tooth decay, so it’s important to make sure your children are drinking plenty of water each day. Your children can also get fluoride protection by using toothpaste that contains this mineral and receiving fluoride treatments at the dentist. By taking advantage of the protection fluoride provides, you can considerably lower your children’s risk of getting tooth decay.

Consider Dental Sealants

When your children’s molars come in, these permanent teeth often require extra protection from decay. The surface of molars contains many grooves that food can become trapped in, leading to decay. Talk to your dentist about whether they would recommend fissure sealants for your children’s molars and any other teeth that are at an increased risk of tooth decay. Dental sealants are coatings placed over these teeth to cover the grooves, which helps keep food and dental plaque from building up on these surfaces.

Following these tips on a regular basis is the most effective way to keep your children’s baby and permanent teeth in good condition. The combination of dental care at home and routine visits to your dentist can help prevent tooth decay and ensure that your children receive prompt treatment for any problems that are detected early.

Click here to book your child in for an appointment at Dr Martin Jest Dental Surgery

A dental crown is essentially a cap used to cover weak, decayed or broken teeth. If you have a tooth that is decayed to the point of cracking or breaking, a dental crown will likely be one option available to restore strength to the tooth. Dental crowns are affixed to the affected tooth with a hardening material that not only keeps the crown in place but also protects the tooth down to the gum line.

What’s involved with getting a crown?

X-rays are generally performed to determine the condition of the tooth in question. It is essential to evaluate the tooth above the gum line as well as the underlying root and bone structure. X-rays are part of the process which assists in reducing the risk of any complication, such as infection.

Your dentist will use a local anaesthetic to numb the area of the affected tooth before filing the tooth down to prepare it for the crown. If your tooth is too decayed or broken down, the dentist may use a filler treatment to increase the tooth’s surface area so the crown can be securely applied. After the tooth is prepared, a cast is taken so that a customized crown can be moulded to fit over the tooth. It is not uncommon for there to be a period of a few days to a couple weeks before the crown is applied to your filed down tooth as dental crowns are individually crafted. Whilst you wait for your customized crown, your dentist will apply a temporary crown to protect the tooth until the permanent one is in place.

The actual application of a crown is less involved than the initial prepping and fitting. Once again, a local anaesthetic will be applied to the area and your dentist will use a cement-like material to affix the crown to your tooth.

What are dental crowns made from?

Today, dental crowns are made from a variety of materials, from ceramic to metal and porcelain, we can also use a zirconia-based material. The type of crown you choose is entirely dependent on your preference and budget and also what the Dentist would recommend to best suit your individual situation.

How long do dental crowns last?

Generally speaking, a dental crown can last up to 15 years as long as it is cared for with regular flossing and brushing.

If you have a cracked or broken tooth, we recommend attending to it as soon as possible to minimize the risk of complications.

Click here to contact Dr Martin Jest Dental Surgery